一、简 历
王小龙教授,博士生导师,长白山特聘教授。本科毕业于吉林大学通信工程学院,2012年3月于日本富山大学取得博士学位,毕业后先后就职于日本九州大学和筑波大学。ieee学会和ieice学会会员。发表sci及ei学术论文50余篇。2013年获得ieee microwave theory and techniques society (mtt-s) japan young engineer award奖项。获得多项基金支持(国家自然科学基金、吉林省教育厅、日本科学协会、日本核融合科学研究所等)。
1.x. wang*, z. ma and m. ohira “theory and experiment of two-section, two resistors wilkinson power divider with arbitrary dual frequency bands,” ieee trans. microw. theory tech., vo.66, no.3, pp.1291-1300, mar. 2018.
2.x. wang*, z. ma and m. ohira “dual-band design theory for dual transmission line transformer,” ieee microw. compon. lett., vol. 27, no. 9, pp. 782 - 784, sep. 2017.
3.x. wang*, i. sakagami, a. mase and m. ichimura “wilkinson power divider with complex isolation component and its miniaturization,” ieee trans. microw. theory tech., vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 422-430, mar. 2014.
4.x. wang*, i. sakagami*, k. takahashi and s. okamura “a generalized dual-band wilkinson power divider with parallel l, c and r components,” ieee trans. microw. theory tech., vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 952-964, apr. 2012.
email: brucewang@jlu.edu.cn